
CouNTinG 1 to 10 | Lets Sing | Nursery Rhymes | Learning | ABC - Kid's Play

2019-04-06 1 Dailymotion

Counting one to ten is so amazing power which i discover this few days which really turn my power up to share with you guys on what is being done by all the YouTubers ( Creative Commons ) side which is so cool..

So kids, if you guys love to watch this, gives a thumbs up and Learn and Sing all along too..

Lyrics for Ten on The Bed

There were ten in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out nine

There were nine in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were eight in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were seven in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were six in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were five in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were four in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were three in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were two in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There was one in a bed
And the little one said
"Good night!"

Korean Lyrics

커다란 침대 위
괴물 열 마리
옆으로 가, 옆으로 가
데굴데굴 굴러서
한 마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
괴물 아홉 마리
옆으로가, 옆으로 가
데굴데굴 굴러서
한마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
괴물 여덟 마리
옆으로가, 옆으로 가
데굴데굴 굴러서
한마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
괴물 일곱 마리
옆으로가, 옆으로가
데굴데굴 굴러서
한마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
괴물 여섯 마리
옆으로가 옆으로가
데굴데굴 굴러서
한마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
괴물 다섯 마리
옆으로가 옆으로가
데굴데굴 굴러서
한마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
괴물 네 마리
옆으로가, 옆으로 가
데굴데굴 굴러서
And one fell out
한마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
괴물 세 마리
옆으로가, 옆으로 가
데굴데굴 굴러서
한마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
괴물 두 마리
옆으로가, 옆으로가
데굴데굴 굴러서
한마리가 쏙

커다란 침대 위
작은 아이가 하나
잘 자

Ten little dinosaurs Lyrics

one little two little three little dinosaurs
four little five little six little dinosaurs
seven little eight little nine little dinosaurs
ten little dinosaurs

ten little nine little eight little dinosaurs
seven little six little five little dinosaurs
four little three little two little dinosaurs
one little dinosaurs

Rap) one little two little three little dinosaurs
four little five little six little dinosaurs
seven little eight little nine little dinosaurs
ten little dinosaurs

one little two little three little dinosaurs
four little five little six little dinosaurs
seven little eight little nine little dinosaurs
ten little dinosaurs

Ten little buses Lyrics

“Look. There are ten little buses Here are they come”

One little, two little,
three little buses.
Four little, five little,
six little buses.
Seven little, eight little,
nine little buses.
Ten little buses.

One, two, three,
four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine.
Ten little buses.

Ten little, nine little,
eight little